Glamour Awards Set Design Nina Kobiashvili

The Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art 2009
Public Art Installation by Nina Kobiashvili

Stoleshnikov Lane. Moscow. Russia 2009

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Glamour magazine, with the support of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art Nina Kobiashvili combined the most current trends in contemporary art – pop and public – in the five symbols: a bag of legend, shoe heels, and other objects of everyday secular life beautiful. Enlarged hundreds of times these items are decorated with street boutiques, to show that for fashion and its caprices and can be treated with humor.

The 5th anniversary of the Glamour Magazine
Productions: Marka FF in cooperation with Moscow Museum of Modern Arts
Project Curator: Tina Kandelaki
Creative Design: Nina Kobiashvili